Thankyou for coming to our charity donation page. 100% of the money donated goes directly to "The Great North Air Ambulance Service"

The Great North Air Ambulance helicopters and HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) response vehicles operate 365 days a year, with doctors and HEMS paramedics on board bringing pioneering pre-hospital care to the scene, rescuing hundreds of severely injured or ill patients every year. Providing enhanced pre-hospital care and hospital transfers to patients serving North Yorkshire, the North-East, Cumbria, and the Scottish borders. The charity is dedicated to the conservation and preservation of life, through services of an air ambulance.
Air ambulance crews bring the Emergency Department to patients who have suffered a life threatening or life changing trauma or medical emergency; providing advanced critical care to save lives. However they would be unable to fly without the generosity of supporters, and are completely reliant on donations.
As we are both regular walkers around the hills and lakes of Cumbria, we have seen first-hand the sterling and selfless work that these crews do for the community. When discussing the countless good charities available to support, we kept coming back to the Great North Air Ambulance as it embodies the philosophy and ethos that we both value, namely trustworthy, courageous and dependable.